Starring: Santiago Magariños, Ezequiel Martinez, Nazarena Rozas
Director: Nicolás Tété
Country: Argentina
UK Distributor: TLA Releasing
When Mariano (Magariños) and Juan (Martinez) move to the countryside to start a plant nursery, it seems like their life has become a rural idyll. But when Juan’s pregnant best friend (Rozas) comes to stay, she brings news that will upset the balance of their new life.
The hook of this film is that this couple have supposedly created their version of perfection, only for it to be called into question by the inevitable developments of life. While it is clearly trying to say something on the topic – maybe that happiness can only be temporary? – it does it in such a monotonous and boring way that by the time it gets round to doing so, we’re all completely fast asleep.
Nothing happens in this film. With only three characters talking back, forth, round in circles and all the way back to the start again, they’re just ruminating on their existence without ever actually finding a plot. There’s no tension, dilemma or character flaws, which means that this consists solely of three decidedly average millennials whingeing for 93 minutes.
The script is inane, the direction bland and the cinematography is nothing beyond basic. It’s perplexing how this production even got funding – let alone an international release – so steer clear… unless you’re a chronic insomniac in need of a tonic!
UK Release: Out now to stream on Dekkoo, released by TLA Releasing